I have a piano that my father bought me at my 7th birthday. It is with me wherever I go.
The piano is like a dance. I always say that I do not play, but I dance the piano. I cannot stay on the stool and if my body must curl itself around the notes then that is what would happen.
The painoic dance is often cathartic. The measure between notes, the depression of those ‘ivories’, the surges of breath and voice is something I am very grateful for having discovered and extended into performance.
The performance of the piano is best illustrated in POPPE 2006. I also added a film PIANO.
At home in 2003 Wilhelm Hahn came to do photographs. I call it the exorcism. See notes on 2003 EXORCISM. Here the piano again sustained a journey through many emotions and its enhanced reverberations on the piano. Here are some pictures taken at that event.